User Stories Key Dimensions

Requirements Management Articles

This article discusses the three dimensions of user stories: the backlog order, the complexity (or effort) and the business value. These dimensions are flexible until the sprint commitment, but right before it, you should have estimated the complexity and the business value for the top of the product backlog, which means that the product backlog has been re-ordered. The sprint commitment can then occur: the team pulls the stories from the top of the product backlog into the sprint backlog, negotiate the order and amount with the PO. After the commitment, complexity and business value of a story should not be change to keep the metrics meaningful.

software requirements group
Articles Knowledge

Reviewing Requirements for Testability

Modern software development approaches like Agile and Scrum support a strong collaboration between all member of the software development team, software testers and business analysts included. Even if you don’t use a method like Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) or Specification by Example, checking the fact that you will be able to actually test your requirements is […]

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Requirements Management Articles
Articles Knowledge

Understanding System Analysis Models

This article is an extract of the “Complete Systems Analysis” written by James and Suzanne Robertson. It explains the basics of analysis models and emphasize that the important thing to remember is that modeling tools are complementary. Each shows one aspect of the system. Together, they make a complete working model of the system.

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Requirements Management Blogs
Blogs Knowledge

Find Missing Requirements

This blog post by Betsy Stockdale explains how to use the Feature Tree model to discover missing requirements.

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