user centered design

Improving User Experience with Human-Centered Design
This video explores the different phases of a human-centered design approach and understand how it can help your organization drive customer loyalty by enhancing your digital product. Learn how some of our past clients have made this approach their priority and dive deep into each of the five phases of a human-centered design approach.
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Practical Human-Centered Design
Human-centered design has 4 principles: understand the problem, the people, and the system, and do iterative design. But what if you don’t have time to do all 4 steps? To solve big-scale design problems, Don Norman recommends engaging with the community that has these problems and leveraging existing creativity and experience.
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Customer Input For a Successful Product
Studies in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), User Centered Design (UCD) and User Experience Design (UED) have found that accurate and frequent customer input is essential for a successful software product. Knowing who your customers are, what their environment is like, and what their needs are gives you the information required to plan and design a […]
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Do Not Design for Users
In this blog post, Mike Long discusses the current trend to design applications for specific users or “personas”. His point is that “focusing on individuals might improve things for one person at the cost of others.” He prefers instead Activity-Centered Design (ACD) that focuses on the activity context in which individuals interact with the product.
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Using Personas
This article discusses how the Open University explores the usage of personas, scenarios and narratives as a methodology underpinning the production life-cycle of new learning systems, from conception through to design, development, testing and post production promotion. It explains the personas, scenarios and narrative concepts.
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