
Methodology for Developing Use Cases for Large Systems
The purpose of this article is to offer a methodology for creating and building a Use Cases Model that caters for the needs and challenges of large and complex projects. The paper will explore some of the major challenges that are typical of large projects and will demonstrate practical steps for mitigating these challenges.
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UML versus Domain-Specific Languages
UML versus Domain-Specific Languages considers the two most popular starting points for code generation: * UML for program modeling, part of the OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach, and * Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), little languages that are created specifically to model some problem domain.
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UML or DSL: Which Bear Is Best?
This article describes the scenarios in which UML or DSLs should be used, and how each can be effectively integrated with the other.
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Agile, Multidisciplinary Teamwork
The article “<a href=”″>Agile, Multidisciplinary Teamwork</a>” by Gautam Ghosh presents techniques and tools used to create requirements with a team composed of the different participants of agile projects.
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Requirements for Outsourcing
Outsourcing differs from other development because there is bound to be a contractual relationship, probably a geographic distance, a different sense of loyalty, language misunderstandings, cultural differences, reluctance to speak up to the client – and many other associated problems. Good requirements are always a problem, but outsourcing increases the problems, and makes even great […]
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