Month: September 2013

Requirements Gathering in Agile
Cherifa Mansoura, Agile Solution Architect at IBM, discusses requirements gathering, change management, user stories, and more as it relates to Agile software development practices.
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Essential Skills for the Business Analyst
We can all agree that the Business Analyst collaborates with business stakeholders throughout the organization to ensure high quality, on-time deliverables and seamless communication. A key element of a Business Analyst’s proficiency is being aware of the array of techniques, tools, and deliverables that are available and selecting the ones that are appropriate to a […]
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Do Agile Needs Business Analysts?
There is no business analyst role in the Scrum Agile project management framework. Based on this fact and some perceptions about Agile, Roland Hesz tries to answer the questions “Do we need a business analyst on an agile project? Are there Agile business analysts?”.
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