Year: 2021


Managing Separate UX Backlogs in Agile

Agile development teams that struggle to keep track of UX work in the product backlog can utilize a separate backlog for UX. This method can help siloed teams where UX and development aren’t in direct communication. Separate UX backlogs do have pros and cons, which are discussed here.

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Improving User Experience with Human-Centered Design

This video explores the different phases of a human-centered design approach and understand how it can help your organization drive customer loyalty by enhancing your digital product. Learn how some of our past clients have made this approach their priority and dive deep into each of the five phases of a human-centered design approach.

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The 4 Pegs of Software Requirements Engineering

Bad software requirements can jeopardize projects. There is a considerable literature on software requirements, but practice is far behind: what passes for requirements in industry usually consists of a few use cases or user stories, which are useful but not sufficient for a solution. Can we fix requirements engineering (known in other circles as business […]

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Collaborating With Stakeholders

To make UX research and requirements gathering more efficient and effective, you have to get everyone in the software development team and the user representatives involved. When the teams understand user concerns and usability issues, they become better at preventing problems.

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Product Managers Best Practices to Build Highly Effective Teams

This talk shares product management best practices and experiences with you in hopes they will help you in your product development journey to build highly effective teams. It covers key topics including (a) working together, (b) managing and prioritizing the work, (c) customer discovery and readying stories, (d) measuring what and how we work, and […]

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Mapping Customer Experiences: From Insight to Action

Visualizations are a key tool that help organizations change their perspective. Though no silver bullet, mapping experiences diagrams seek to align customers’ experiences with how businesses operate. You are surely familiarly with things like customer journey maps, service blueprint, experience maps, and more.

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