Year: 2014


Making Product Decisions with a Practical Value Model

Working with stakeholders (customer, business and technology perspectives) to effectively and efficiently deliver high-value products begins and ends with value. “Value” is the beacon, watchword, end game, justification and mantra for Agile. It is the basis of the big “why”.

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Designing and Documenting User Interactions

This presentation discusses “designing and documenting user interactions.” It emphasizes the importance of writing good documentation, the value of style guides, while never losing site of the end goal of creating good user experiences.

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The A.A.R.T. of Writing User Stories

Current user stories used to manage Agile requirements can be improved by clearly identifying, linking, and tracking Actors, Action, Results, and Tests. (A.A.R.T).

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Building Products People Want with Lean UX

You are part of a modern development team delivering new features like clockwork. But are you sure you’re delivering the right features? Are you relying on up-front product research practices that don’t fit with your development process?

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Build the Perfect Product Your Users Want But Can’t Describe

Product design and development remains difficult, even when applying Lean or Agile principles. Why is developing a great product so hard? How come it takes so many iterations? Why don’t users know what they want? Why don’t I know what they want?

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Mindmapping Agile Requirements

Creating requirements for your web or mobile application can be tedious and managing ideas even more. The larger the project, the more difficult it becomes. Add in the flexibility that Agile brings to projects, and things could quickly get out of hand.

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